Saturday, December 22, 2007

Richard Wright - Rites of Passage

I didn't like this as much as I did Black Boy. I think this might have been because it was meant for teens, and wasn't really as deep as the other one I read. The characters were very flat and almost parody-like. I finished it in about
two hours.

"Finally Johnny was dreaming, dreaming that the woman had come and had found him, and yet, while dreaming, knowing full well that she would never come, that he was alone, knowing that no such voice would call him home, reprove him with love, chastise him with devotion, or place a cool soft hand upon his brow when he was fevered with doubt and indecision; knowing that he was alone and had to go on to make a life for himself by trying to reassemble the shattered fragments of his lonely heart." (115)

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